Experience matters.

For 10 years, we’ve distinguished ourselves in relationship management. Experience matters in this market. When you have a partner that knows your loan inside and out, it really makes a difference.

Doing better business

At Tandem, we care about your experience. We know that third party servicing often means slow onboarding, incorrect billing, paper everywhere, inflexible policies, and slow response times.

And when it comes to special servicing or business purpose products, some servicers just don't get it.

We just do things differently here.



Our experienced team is nimble and focused, which means we can respond (and act!) quickly.


Want to manage everything online? Sure, let's set it up. Need a creative solution? We got you, let's talk!


We know our stuff because we've been doing this for a decade. If we make a mistake, we own it and make it right.

Dedicated staff

You have a dedicated staff that specializes in unique loan products to support you.